being broken

Why is There Nothing Wrong with Being Broken

It’s okay.

Life breaks us whether we like it or not.

And at that moment everything seems absolutely insurmountable but we still live on.

We feel we are at the bottom of the valley of despair, frustration and every bad thing that you have been through. Believe me, the list will be endless.

When we are in between the confusion, pain and whatnot, we also learn to pick ourselves up and a find a new way to put the broken pieces together. And this is something we do subconsciously at times, yet at other times we are more consciously aware depending on the severity of the event or situation.

We consider our “being broken” as a fault and blemish. Our heartbreak actually brings out strengths that would otherwise always be dormant. When was the last time you were broken but you realized that you can still move on? It’s different for every individual but you still mustered up your courage and continued on. Look back at your life and think about that time when you thought it was all over, but you are here today; hopefully well, healthy and still living.

Being broken allows us to see things from a new perspective (though I can’t even see the door staring in my face when I’m broken, let alone new perspective) but only with time and patience we learn to see it differently. At times our clarity only comes when we are broken. Trust me when life’s all good and gracious, it’s hard to see life in any other perspective.

No matter how much we hate the times when we are “broken” yet they are essential for becoming better and stronger. Click To Tweet

We think to ourselves that this broken part must be kept concealed at all cost. We keep hurting, but won’t admit it. It takes great courage to admit to our own selves that we are broken. But if we admit to “being broken”, there is strength in it. I know it all sounds confusing, but when we admit to “being broken” we allow ourselves not to be ruled by it either. Just because we admitted it doesn’t mean it will disappear overnight, but we are now more open to seek help.

Being broken makes us more human in ways we can’t even fathom. So next time when you are broken, just tell yourself it will be okay; I am human and will make it through.

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.

– Ernest Hemingway

Agree? Disagree? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.


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