I am Enough !

Dear you,

I am enough and you are enough! Not the way society, the world, or your best friend wants you to be. No. You are enough the way you are. You are enough with the standards and values that empower you. You are enough with your own unique dreams and aspirations.

Your credentials, your intellect, your patience, your selflessness, your dedication, your level of commitment, your persistence, your compassion, your wisdom, your confidence, your kindness, your smile, your love, your maturity, your ability to help someone, your generosity, your opinions, your thoughts, and your voice is what makes you YOU!

The next time someone doubts your credibility, know from the depth of your heart that nothing beautifies a person more than a soft heart and beautiful manners. Have faith in yourself and remember that the super human you have been always looking for resides in YOU!

This is a responsibility you and I own, not just to ourselves but to the society and the world we live in.

Dear you, as long as you are confident in your own skin and stay true to the values that define you, NOTHING in this world has the power to tear you apart.

 Let’s celebrate being normal!

As weird as it sounds, I say let’s celebrate normalcy! Celebrate being yourself. Believe me, it’s something cool. Celebrate the fact that you and I are enough for ourselves. We are free to choose what we want. We aren’t shackled and chained mentally and physically by the things we own, by the views of public or media. Instead, we are defined by whatever we choose to define us.

Feel free to add things to the list of self-growth and let us know what you think are the different ways to define ourselves.

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