12 Benefits of Living with Less

Living with less, is it possible? In a world where we are constantly bombarded with advertisement to accumulate more, living on the contrary can be challenging. Material possessions can surely give us comfort but can they really make us happy? Also, can we all not live without wasting half our time on SNS? Why do we let such ideas and habits take over our lives that make us less productive and more miserable? We think living to its fullest means we fill our head and mind with information about other people’s lives and fill our hands, pockets and houses with what people have. We have to understand that living with less might be the meaning of living life to its fullest. To comprehend what living with less implies, consider what it can help you do.

#1. Reclaim Your Time & Focus

– You don’t need to waste 30 minutes organizing your over-stuffed wardrobe every week. Life can go on without checking your Facebook or Snapchat every few minutes and you won’t catch a disease if you didn’t sign up for Instagram. The less things you have to spend time on, the more you will focus on what’s really important. Time is a very important asset, yet we all take it for granted. As Benjamin Franklin said, “You may delay, but time will not.”

#2. Add Meaning & Productivity to Life

– Material stuff as well as SNS not only weighs you down but takes your time & energy; it requires management and needs constant maintenance. Other than that, these things do not really add meaning to your life. With few stuff weighing you down, you can choose things or activities that are more meaningful and bring more productivity to your life.

#3. Provide Peace of Mind

– Your mind is the most valuable possession you will ever have. Don’t stuff it with worries that material possessions bring. The less you have, the less you will be worrying about it. The less people you have added on your Snapchat and Facebook will also allow you to focus on your life rather than theirs. It will allow you to stop comparing your life with theirs and give you some peace of mind.

#4. Keep Free of Debt

– When you are no longer driven by the consumerism ideals, your debt will more likely go down and you can choose to remain debt free as well. It’s true that people are usually burdened by debt because they are less fortunate. However, people are also suffering from debt because they spend their money on trendy fashion or expensive restaurants and unnecessary trips and parties. As a result of which they have insufficient money for the things which are actually important in life.

#5. Live for a Higher Purpose

– Living with what’s required in life will enable you to see your life’s purpose more clearly. You have more time to explore life, understand your calling and live to your fullest.

#6. End Cleaning Hassle

– It’s simple, the less possessions you have, the easier to clean. Same goes for social networking; the less people you interact with, the less you will have to worry about competing, jealousy, rivalry, misunderstandings and stress. Don’t get me wrong. When done for the right purposes, social networking can prove extremely beneficial. Just not for showing off the places you shop, eat, party etc.

#7. Stop the Comparing Game

– You will no longer compare yourself to every Tom, Dick and Harry. You are you and that’s enough. You should learn to live with what you have been blessed with. Using SNS too much ultimately makes you feel jealous and wish for things other people have.

#8. Save and Invest Better

– As you cut down on material objects, there will be no impulsive shopping or splurges on unnecessary things. You can regain your freedom to create a better saving plan, look into investment options and see what works best for you.

#9. Make Space

– When you lessen your pursuit of chasing material possessions, you have more space in your life to pursue your dreams, goals, hopes, and aspiration. You start to pursue things that would actually benefit you in your life.

#10. Give Gratitude

– When you live a more mindful life with limited activities, less things and complexities that steal your focus and energy, you are likely to be more grateful for what you have.

#11. Stay Organized

– Yup, it’s that simple, fewer stuff will prevent clutter and you won’t be rummaging around the house every time you lose something. You will learn to organize your time better rather than wasting it on Youtube or Instagram.

#12. Be an Example

– Living with fewer possessions will set you apart from the consumerism trap and you can be an inspiration for others to imitate. Maybe people will take a leaf out of your book after observing your productivity, time management and organization not to mention disregard towards materialism.

Feel like adding a point or an idea to our list? Go ahead and let us know in the comment section below. Love to hear your thoughts.

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