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Let It Go!

Okay, so we all have heard it numerous times and probably tried to do it as well but failed more than often. I know for sure that it’s easier said than done. Sometimes you even wonder what it actually means when you hear those words. There have been days when I just wanted to punch the person in the face who said it to me (relax, I didn’t). I always wondered why it is said so easily but never explained. Yup, people I am talking about those two simple words: ‘let go’ (wow…..even easier written than done).

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Going through life, we make plans for life and in turn life makes plans for us. It is not a predetermined journey, but we make our way through trial and error and experience. We do hit those speed breakers and feel the speed of life slowing down or sometimes even coming to an abrupt halt. Frustrated, lost, confused, sad, angry and God knows what else we feel in such a state. With time, we begin to realize that life is unpredictable and not everything works our way. We also realize that we can definitely not cling on to things and by doing so we will only make it worse for us and those around us. Of course, it’s much harder than it sounds,

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
― Ann Lander

Even though it’s hard and it kills you but you have GOT to let go. Here’s why:

1. Let go to attain your freedom 
We may have been hurt numerous times, cheated, or betrayed. I am sure it hurts a lot and we find it hard to forgive or deal with the situation (nobody is superman). But, if we make the choice to let go, then we are strong enough to have our freedom back. Don’t let decision of others destroy you. Don’t give them the satisfaction of controlling your life indirectly. You controlling your life is you having freedom over it!

2. Let go to make space for the right people
With time we realize that some relationships are not meant to be. No matter how much effort we put in, it just doesn’t work. You may have been there or seen someone experiencing it. It is certainly not an easy place to be in, but we need to understand that it is better to accept the reality (yup, realities hurt) and let go. Clinging to dead relationships and the wrong people will only block the space that could be filled with better people; the right people.

3. Let go to have new experiences
I have had certainly many days where I kept day dreaming of my fondest memories and thinking what it would be like if I could experience them again. As a result, I had unconsciously stopped myself from getting new experiences. I am not implying that you shouldn’t cherish your old memories, but don’t allow them to hinder you from enjoying life and gaining new experiences. Let go of the old memories to create new ones.

4. Let go to reclaim your life 
No matter how much we try, we can never make our life perfect. People will die, friends will abandon, breakouts on your face will show up when you absolutely didn’t invite them, we will grow old and the list goes on. While fretting over how to make everything perfect, we forget how to just live. The same happens when we expect too much from people or situations. When we let go of our idea of perfectionism, we open ourselves to reclaim life as it is. When you let go of your expectations, you rediscover life and its joys.

5. Let go to minimize negativity 
I believe one of the greatest challenges in our life is to recognize the negativity we deal with everyday; its sources and the impact it has on our lives. We all are affected by it consciously and unconsciously. Negativity is a slow poison that slowly spreads out through your body and kills you. We need to consciously put an end to it. One cause of negativity is not letting go and living in a reality that is no longer true. When we let go, we take a positive step forward and open the door to endless possibilities.

6. Let go to not make the same mistake twice
We all come at the crossroads of life where we question our own self about which bridges to burn and which to cross. Most of us try to fix what has been broken, but then not everything in life is fixable. We hesitate and make the same mistakes over and over. What we need to realize is once we let go, we no longer walk the same path that led to those mistakes, we make effort to find better paths.

At the end, life is all about choices. To let go is a choice as well. Allow your “let go” to become the defining moment in your live. It takes great courage, strength and effort to let go but it’s always worth it. Let go and watch yourself become stronger and braver. Let go and allow the joys of life to sweep over you.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments in the section below.

This article was originally published on May 1, 2017 and has been updated on April 4, 2020.

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