coffee spilling on paper mistake image

Embracing the Power of Mistakes

We live with them, learn from them, grow with them, hate them, but continuously make them. It holds an unimaginable power over us. It was destined to be with us from the moment we were born to the moment we depart from this world. For some it’s a power that aids them to strike life’s barriers down and for others it’s a greatly shameful thing to do. A majority of us fear it and find it hard to embrace it. So, what am I talking about people? Yup, it’s our mistakes. Relax people we can talk about this.

gum stuck to shoe - embrace the power of mistake

When I was younger, the thing I dreaded most in life was mistakes, but the funny thing is I continued making them. As I grew older I realized they are not going anywhere. When I finally realized they are still staying with me, I thought maybe I should understand them and see how that works out. Surprisingly, my mistakes had a lot to offer me, which I never thought they would because I never tried to see what I could learn from them.

Well here are my reasons why we need to embrace the power of mistakes. Did I just say mistakes? Oh, yes.

– Allow growth which we all need.

– Give us learning opportunities.

– Make us more human and connectable.

– Can teach us forgiveness.

– Allow you to experiment, change and have a new insight to a problem.

– Reveal who we really are and what we can be.

– Help to broaden our perspective on life.

– Allow you to let go and move on.

– Teach us to be more open-minded.

Mistakes are inevitable in our journey, so why not acknowledge its power and harness it. Whether we like it or not, we will continue to make mistakes. It’s a vital part of our existence. I believe we will cease to be human beings if we don’t make mistakes. As everything happens in life for a reason, so do our mistakes and it can certainly guide us to become better human beings.

So, next time embrace the power of mistakes, learn from it and move on.

As Richard Branson said, “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”

What were some mistakes you made that you learnt from? How do you feel about making mistakes?

Do share your experience in the comment section below. No worries we can all learn from each other’s mistakes.

This post was originally published on April 16, 2017 and has been updated on March 20, 2020.

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