“Take benefit of five before five:
Your YOUTH before your old age,
Your HEALTH before your sickness,
Your WEALTH before your poverty,
Your FREE TIME before your preoccupation,
and Your LIFE before your death.”
(Prophet Muhammad)
These 5 riches namely Youth, Health, Wealth, Free Time, Life are what we : The Five Authors, look forward to invest in, together with you at Seekfive.org
A very warm welcome to Seek Five!
We fall…………
We get hurt…………….
We get up………….
We start again…………..
We live in a world where there is pain & joy, health & sickness, acceptance & rejection, celebration &loss, failure & accomplishment, yet this is all that makes our life.
Seek five is dedicated to celebrating life with all its ups and downs. The questions of life are never easy to answer for anyone alone. So, why not embrace this journey together.
At Seek Five we aim to find these answers by providing our readers with content that helps to face the challenges of life and grow as an individual.
We certainly don’t have all the answers to life, but we can share the ones we have found through experience. We will also provide opportunities for our fellow readers to share and provide feedback for mutual benefit.
We invite you to be a part of our dynamic journey and to help us become a voice of change and hope; a voice that can be heard across cultures, nations, lands and waters.
………………………the world can certainly use a little more goodness.
Till then my fellow readers,
Ameena AhmedAmeena Ahmed is one fifth of the fantastic founding crew. She likes arts, archery and alliteration, apparently. She graduated with science degrees and works at science-y places but takes time out to nourish her creative and geeky soul. While physically living on the east coast of the US, her heart resides in Middle Earth.
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Binte AzimBinte azim, writer at seekfive.org, teacher by profession & currently trying to navigate the world of blogging. Passionate about traveling & learning foreign languages. A bookworm and loves to indulge in English Literature classics. Has a strict set of morals, values and standards which she abides by. She is very responsible, practical and logical with a no-nonsense attitude. She aspires to own a private loft some day for comfort and privacy. You can reach her at binteazim5@gmail.com.
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Hush SohHush Soh is one of the five founders of Seekfive. She is a bookworm and a k-drama enthusiast. She absolutely loves anything to do with psychology. She teaches English for a living and loves learning languages herself. She also has an incurable love for things that start with the letter C: cats, caffeine, cars, chocolate, crochet etc. She has great intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills which makes her approachable, social and friendly. She hopes to become a psychologist one day to help people who are in dire need of it.
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Kiran KView author's posts
Magnolia SohMagnolia Soh is an educator by profession and a dedicated Jeddawi. She works at an NGO in pursuit of her belief of removing the barriers of class and privilege and to provide quality education for all. An automobile enthusiast and a unregretful, but “still guilty” consumer of sugar products in all their shapes and forms. She enjoys nature, humor and talks on spiritual and self-development. She believes in creativity and courage and aspires to leave a dent in the world before she leaves.
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Ray SohOne of the five founding members of Seekfive.A former ESL coordinator and teacher turned stay-at-home parent of two toddler girls. An Analytical Chemist by profession, whose experiments are currently limited to a lab AKA the kitchen. Admires creativity and boasts a love for art. Likes to follow routine but not routinely. Believes in God and faith as well as science and reasoning. Passionate about learning, reading , growing and sharing what is learned. Strives to make the world a better place even if it's by an inch; hence the writing and this blog.
Hopes to continue with the chemical research profession and aspires to own a business someday.
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